Correction/Retraction Stuff: We found a crack in our tub; it's what seems to be the actual culprit behind the fiasco discussed in Note 086. The kids can still be bad about water outside of the tub, but this time, it doesn't seem to be of their doing. The Toddler was taking a bath today and my wife found water dripping in the bathroom below. She had recently caulked along the tub with 100% silicone and The Toddler had kept all water in the tub. Upon getting home from work and much investigation, I found a spiderweb like crack at the back of the tub. Everything about the situation has started to make sense. All of the clues line up.
Present Situation: You know how I said on Sunday (Note 087) that I wasn't going to be working as much overtime as previously planned this week? Well, that changed. There was a mix-up and it turned out that my help was needed. If you throw in that I'm stupid about getting sleep and that I ran 5 miles yesterday and 5 miles today, then it's not hard to understand my present situation. Initially not on purpose, I've recently watched a couple of videos on sleep and it has been making me think more about making sleep a bigger priority.
One of these days, I'm going to take the time to Google pathoclast.
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