

Book Report: Doing Time in Hollywood by Brian Gallagher_ I'm on page 45 of this book now. Still making progress at a slow crawl, but enjoying it nonetheless. I was thinking about it this morning and there is an odd and interesting parallel between me and the author and me and the subject matter of his book. Brian and my wife went to college together, and I'm friends with him on social media. I've never met him in person, but I've got to know him a little from social, his website, and from reading what I've read of his book so far. Likewise, I'm familiar with L.A. and Hollywood, because I've seen it on TV and in movies, and I've heard and read stories about the industry. However, I've never been there in person and have never experienced the atmosphere or industry firsthand. I thought it was interesting, maybe it's not.

The Works: I spent a good portion of today, from lunch until dinner, working on, finishing, and prepping for the publishing and promotion of my newest post at Graham Sedam Writes. I enjoy writing for many reasons, and I hope there's maybe one reason you like reading what I have to say. This new post lays out my 2019 goals. Plus, I was able to accomplish it in one post! (Last year took two...)

Present Situation: Kids in bed? Check. Runs complete? Check. Note finished and propagated to the masses. Incomplete as of this typing... My wife just found through our HBO Watchlist that the kids were watching the TV show Batman from 1966. They mentioned it the other day, but neither my wife or I really thought much of it. We both were just talking about how we independently thought (but never communicated it to each other) it had to be some new Batman animated series with some slick title like Batman:1966. Nope. It was Adam West's Batman from the year 1966. Apparently they think it was a comedy. I want to ask them more about it in the morning. Next up, my wife will read my new post out loud for me to hear and potentially reword based on how it sounds to me in the air. She will copyedit (grammar) and challenge what I wrote (meaning, understandability) as she goes. Then TV.

Speaking of superheroes, did you see the Instagram post I shared 
where my son just so happened to put Superman in a tractor?
Coincidence? I think not!

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