

The New Year Itch: I get the itch around this time of year to start resetting things like my goals, my financial spreadsheets, and the many docs I maintain. I get the itch to go through everything (physical, digital, mental), clean, and rethink what it means to exist. So many things, it's basically a yearly life-cleanse. That's how I view the calendar turning over. I started doing things like this today, and it will pretty much continue through the end of January. Though, by that time, I'll have likely gotten this process completed and out of my system. We'll see.

Goal For The Week: Get back into the swing of things. Get back to normal. Find a new normal. Survive.

Present Situation: I have to go back tomorrow. It's been a whole week since I've been at work. I'm working the New Year's holiday, and it pays well, so I'll be working 8 hours each the next 2 days. There will still be some time to spend with the kids in the evenings before they go back to school, and hopefully we can make it count instead of the time slipping by via the chores and tasks of life. That happens so easily with 3 kids. Hopefully, my wife will get her run in soon, and I'll finish up this note. Then, a little relaxation watching some TV and stepping like mad for the Wigan Runner UK Workweek Hustle.

If they're starting a Play-Doh bakery and ice cream shop,
then I'm going to have to start charging rent for the space.

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