

Run Streak: Day 294!

Mileage Mayhem: I have logged 263.8 running miles for 2019 so far!

Run The Year: I didn't set out to do better than I did last week, since I felt like the mileage I got was an act of life working out just right. Maybe not? This past week I took chisel to stone and hammered out a NEW personal best, if even only by a little. I ran 26.6 miles! I'm not going to make plans to break it again this week, but I wouldn't purposely avoid it, either. The week will inform me.  I AM eager to wipe out my debt, and where I stand now in these regards is 2.95 miles. I could run just enough to clear this debt, but I'm more likely to want to get ahead a little each week. I've been having tenderness in the general area of my shins off and on for several weeks, so it would be good to give them some TLC at some point. However, nothing stops the streak, even if that means only 7 miles a week.

Present Situation: I've got a day of overtime tomorrow. Well, 6 hours in the morning. Then, back to home for a few days of busting butt to both get things done around the house and to do those things that make me a person. I'm looking forward to a little bit of time with The Toddler before bed.

Everyday, I'm someone new.

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