

Run The Year: I ran 3 miles today bringing my total to 16 miles so far this year. Only 993.5 to go! Hopefully soon, I'm going to calculate how many miles I ran last year as of the start date to my streak. I didn't keep track of miles before then. I'm thinking that it will give me a glimpse of how much I'll need to work to get my half of the miles completed for 2019.

Thoughts On Notes: I've debated with myself since the day I started these notes on whether or not I would do them EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm still not sure, but for each day I continue, I feel like I'm starting another streak for something, and that motivates me to keep going. It would be incredibly easy for me to not do it—not doing something is about as easy as it gets. For now, I continue. If it does stay a streak, you'll know what day I'm on by the post's title.

Present Situation: I almost fell asleep while reading The Toddler some bedtime books. Now, my wife is sitting in bed with him while he hopefully falls asleep. He didn't nap; he SHOULD be ready. Sigh. It was mostly a productive day, and that's good, because I really want to get ahead this month on the things I don't normally get to do. As it stands, there's not much overtime this month and next month could go either way, though, I know there will be more than I'm getting this month. I start the week out trying to knock out what I need to get done so that I have time to do what I'd rather do. It doesn't always work out due to other people also having plans for that time. Pockets of tiredness today despite my good sleep last night, and I would say that my almost sickness is a memory as long as I keep getting good sleep. Isn't that always how it goes?

Fiesta! ...IN HELL

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